
CIFAA presents AIFMD: Regulation, Obligation and Making it Count!

Date: 26 May 2015
4 – 5 PM Presentation | 5 – 7 PM Reception
Marriott Beach Resort

With a particular emphasis on Annex IV reporting, John McCann, Managing Director of Trinity Fund Administration will offer a unique insight into the implementation and consequences of the European AIFMD legislation. The presentation will cover who is obligated to make Annex IV filings to the European National Competent Authorities (NCAs), what the key elements of the filings are, and what has been learnt in the implementation of Annex IV reporting. In addition, the presentation will also look at how asset managers can derive meaning from this exercise and use the reporting obligation as a catalyst to create operational efficiencies whilst offering greater appeal to institutional investors.

As this is a CIFAA sponsored event, there is no charge associated with attendance or the reception for CIFAA and AIMA Cayman members.

John M.D. McCann is the CEO of Trinity Fund Administration and has over 30 years of experience within global financial services, working in various domiciles such as London, Jersey, Cayman and Dublin.

He is a sought after speaker and participates in numerous international industry groups / associations, each committed to a greater understanding of the industry and the practical application of regulatory and legislative change.

Amongst the various industry groups / associations that John has participated in (or still participates in) is the International Relations Committee of the Managed Funds Association, several committees of the Irish Funds Industry Association (I.F.I.A.) including the Alternative Investments Committee and its separately established task force which was dedicated to a balanced implementation of the AIFMD. John is a current member of the Alternative Investment Management Association Limited’s (A.I.M.A.) AIFMD working group / Panel of Experts as well as their AIFMD Reporting Forum. John is a member of the Institute of Directors, Ireland and a contributor and Patron of Basis Point, the Irish fund industry’s charitable initiative to help make a difference to those in need.